General Rules

ALWAYS obey the Property Owner, Event Coordinators, and Field that order.
Failure to obey rules and follow safety guidelines can get you pulled from a game or expelled from the event.
Be professional, honest and responsible. 
-Watch your mouth. Refrain from profanity and derogatory speech, even in jest.
-Call your hits. 
-Don't litter. Keep track of your gear, pick up after yourself.
-Don't "borrow" anything without express permission from the owner.
BB Requirements:
-Bio bbs or earth colored bbs ONLY!*
*Players with bolt action or semi auto DMR's using .30g or heavier ammo are excluded.
-All weapons must be approved (this includes grenades of any kind, nerf weapons, etc.)
-Weapons shooting 1.64 Joules (approx. 420FPS with .20g bbs) and over may be classified as sniper rifles and will have a minimum engagement distance (MED) of 100ft.
- All weapons must be placed on semi-auto when engaging targets 20ft or under (or switch to a sidearm).
HIT RULES: (subject to change depending on game mode)
-Army style hits (head or torso = dead, hits to arms, legs, hands and feet = can't use that appendage). At night any hit kills.
-Surrenders are optional 
-Nerf "hits" count the same as bbs hits
Prohibited Items:
-Real firearms / weapons (cannot be on the field)
-Knives with blades over 3in.
-Illicit/explicit materials/publications and activity
-Schedule III drugs/substances



Airsoft is a ton of fun, but that's because in part, it's risky.

Personal Protective Gear:

EYES: While a small plastic pellet traveling between 300-450ish fps will at worst give you a big welt on your arm, it could blind an eye. This is why ballistic eye protection is MANDATORY. If you're under 18 that means  goggles  unless your Dad is playing with you and approves something else.

Note: Sunglasses DO NOT COUNT.

TEETH: Bbs can break, chip, and remove teeth. This is why a mouth guard of some sort is MANDATORY for those under 18 (again, unless your Dad is playing with you and approves otherwise). For everyone it is highly recommended. A $15 mask is a lot cheaper then a $2000+ dental bill.  


The Playing Field:

Use common sense. You are responsible for your actions and safety. When in doubt, don't do it.


WILDLIFE: Playing outside means playing around the animals. Snakes, Spiders, and Ticks are really your only threat in this area. Thankfully we don't have to worry about bears or big cats. Still, play it safe. Use bug spray, use common sense when rooting around in the woods and always check for ticks after playing outside.

TERRAIN: Woods, hills, open fields, overgrown fields, creek, pond. Specifically watch for hazardous sticks, rocks, possible broken glass, ground-hog holes and slipery ground cover.  Boots highly reccomended. If you're going to be going down on your knees, use knee-pads. Thick pants are always a good idea. Military uniforms are always great. Gloves are also a good idea.

PLANTS: Watch out for poison ivy in its various forms. Thanksfully this property only has only limited growth. Also watch out for briars and mile-a-minute

THE POND: Stay at least 25-50ft. away from it. It is completely off limits.


GENERAL SAFETY: Always be aware of your surroundings. Are there groundhog holes nearby? Hanging limbs overhead? (Note: we do our best to keep the woods free of such). It never hurts to take a quick look before hiding behind a log or in tall grass. Don't put your hands anywhere you can't see.



OUT BUILDINGS: There are multiple out-buildings in the field. You can go around, but not in.

HOUSES: There are two private homes on the property. Stay out of them. Stay at least 75-100ft away. Never shoot toward them. Respect the property owners' property, including their landscaping. When in doubt, stay out.


CAUTION TAPE/YELLOW or ORANGE FLAGS: Certain parts of the field may be marked off with caution tape or yellow/orange fags. DO NOT cross the caution tape. Stay aprox. 10ft away from any yellow or orange flags.


ATVs: ATVs are fun and helpful for transportation and scouting, but they can also be dangerous. This year we are ONLY letting individuals personally approved by the property owner operate ATVs. Dads will be fine. Older mature individuals will probably be too. There will be designated trails and if any unsafe actions are reported we may remove that vehical or operator, or simply remove all ATVs from the event.



Weapons Safety:

NOTE: All weapons must be displayed, reviewed and approved at the weapons station by event staff member. No real weapons allowed on field. 

GUN SAFETY: Airsoftguns are weapons and need to be treated with care and respect at all times. Flippant gun handlers may be pulled from the game.

1-Always treat your airsoftgun like a real loaded gun

2-Never point at something you don't intend to shoot

3-Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot

4-Be absolutely certain of your target and background



  • Must be chronoed using 0.20bbs (BYO). Guns over 420ish fps may have sniper rules applied.
  • Sniper rules: (1) Cannot engage targets under 75ft. (2) Cannot use in blackout conditions. 
  • Full auto at close range is highly discouraged can could get you kicked out. Please use semi-auto or gun taps whenever possible.
  • Anytime you leave the field you must remove your magazine and make sure the weapon is unloaded. Most airsoft guns keep one round in the chamber so you may need to fire a few shots into the ground to make sure its completely clear.
GRENADES: All grenades (smoke, bb, sound etc.) must be approved at the weapons station by event staff.
NERF: Nerf/foam type bladed weapons (swards, axes etc.) are allowed but must be approved at the weapons station by event staff. The same goes for Nerf/Nerf-type missile launchers.

99% of safety is just common sense. So don't be stupid and if you see someone else acting risky, warn them. If you see someone being unsafe report it to a field marshal.