How much does this cost?

It's free! Donations are greatly appreciated though. These help cover costs of materials used in the event like fort materials, props, tape for marking the field etc. Every cent goes toward this year's Megawar. Leftovers will be used for next year so everything you donate goes back into a better experience next time. See About Us for more information.

What if I can't come for the entire event (Friday evening, camping and Saturday)?

That's ok. On your registration just make a note of which event(s) you plan on attending. For a breakdown of the events click here.

Can I use regular bbs (Like Walmart bbs)?

Only if they are earth-tones (i.e. dark green, brown or black) or biodegradable. NOTE: bbs like these DO NOT count as "earth-tones." 
We are playing on someone's private property and need to respect the fact that they don't want visible reminders of our battles in the decades to come.
NOTE: if you are using a sniper rifle with bbs that weigh 0.3 grams or more, you are exempt from this rule. 

Can I bring my ATV?

Maybe. ATV's are awesome and can add a lot to a game. But they also add new safety issues and potential property damage isssues. 

  • Want to bring yours?
  • Contact us.
  • We will then have to run it by the property owners and make sure they approve.
In order to maintain a fun, but safe situation, only trusted and responsible adults will be allowed to operate vehicles in-game. 

Again, kindly remember that the Derrs are hosting this for free on their private land. They have every right to only let people operate ATVs that they are comfortable with. 



Got more questions? Just shoot us an email!